Natural product
Chitin and chitosan
Uses of chitosan
Production capacity
Codification of products


France Chitine proposes a wide range of prime quality chitosan produced in two factories, one in Africa and one in India.
France Chitine's chitosans are made from shrimp shells and squid bones from the industrial group Mahtani, specialist in the processing of sea products. The joint venture with the Mahtani group guarantees France Chitine a continuous and reliable supply of raw materials for the manufacturing of chitosan.

Thanks to its equipment and the reliability of the origin of its stocks, France Chitine has the capacity to supply

500 tons of finished products annually

The specifications of France Chitine's chitosans can be reproduced perfectly and their quality remains consistent.

The chitosans' factory in India.


Natural product | Uses of chitosan | Chitin&chitosan | Production capacity | Production | Codification of products
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